Training > Echo360

This page provides information on getting started with Echo360 for instructors who have received email confirmation that their Echo360 accounts have been created, their lecture capture request has been processed, and/or their Echo360 course has been created.

For questions or help with Echo360 lecture capture, please contact the Lassonde IT ( | 416-736-5588 | Campus Ext. 55588 ).

Log In to Echo360

To access Echo360, go to and enter your YorkU Email ID and password in the Web Login window (see image).
Note: If you are logged into another YorkU Moodle – Clicking on Echo360 Lecture Capture Videos link will automatically logs you into your Echo360 account.

After logging in, you have a number of options, including:

Use the Echo360 Home page to view your courses and manage content (see below).
Download the Echo360 Universal Capture: Personal software.
Upload content into your Library.

Complete Your Echo360 Registration

When you are added to the Echo360 system, you will receive an email invitation with instructions for completing your user registration. (If you can’t locate the invitation email and need another one, please contact the Lassonde IT  at 416-736-5588 or

Follow the steps to complete the registration process, which includes reading and agreeing to the Echo360 end user license agreement (EULA) , terms of service, and privacy policy. You may also add your phone number and a profile picture.You will be asked to create a password for After you have completed your registration, you will be taken to your Echo360 Home page.
Note: We recommend you to establish a separate Echo360 user login and create an Echo360 password. This option could be useful in the unlikely event that the YorkU Moodle services are not operational.

The Echo360 Home Page

When you log into Echo360, you will be brought to the Echo360 Home page. From the Home page, you can quickly upload content or navigate between four tabs to locate recordings and manage courses. The four tabs are:

Courses – Use the courses tab to see a list of all courses you have access to in Echo360.
All Content – View and manage all content you have access to in Echo360, including your own content and content which has been shared with you.
My Content – View and manage only the content which you own in Echo360.
Shared with Me – View any content which has been shared with you in Echo360.
In each of the 4 tabs, you can use the Search Content, Filter, and/or Sort options at the top of the page to find specific content.

Further reading:

Welcome to your Echo360 Home page.

Download & Use Echo360 Universal Capture

Universal Capture: Personal is a stand-alone application designed to be used by Instructors on their personal computers to generate video recordings outside of the classroom environment. This section provides information and links to Echo360’s instructions for configuring and using Universal Capture software.

Download the Universal Capture Software

To download the Echo360 Universal Capture software you need to navigate to and log in to your Echo360 account. If not already on download page, select Settings (the gear icon) and choose Download, then select the version of the software for your computer (Mac or Windows). For detailed instructions, see Echo360’s support page Installing the Universal Capture Desktop Application.

Logging in to Universal Capture
Universal Capture users can log in to make recordings with Echo360 Universal Capture: Personal. When you run the Echo360 Universal Capture: Personal software, you will be asked to log in. After you have logged in, you will be able to begin making recordings on your machine.

Use Universal Capture
The Echo360 Universal Capture software interface is designed to be intuitive and user friendly. Once you make a recording with Echo360 Universal Capture, it will upload to the Echo360 system. You can specify whether a recording is published immediately to a course for students to access, or if it is unpublished so you can review and/or edit it before making it available.

For links to instructions on creating a capture, see Echo360’s support page Create a Capture.

Manage Presentations and Interactive Activities in Echo360

Echo360 provides many options for managing content in your Echo360 courses, and sharing your content with students.

Manage Presentations and Interactive Activities in Echo360
Echo360 lets you upload presentations to your Content area to store and work on or to your class to share with students. You can edit the presentation directly in Echo360 by adding or deleting slides/pages. For example, as an instructor, you could use Echo360 to share lecture slides after a recorded classroom session, or as a way to embed supplemental content and assessment questions. When students view slides in the Echo360 classroom player, they can view slides side-by-side with classroom recordings, zoom, and advance slides at their own pace.

For more on presentations, see Echo360’s documentation on Working with Slides and Presentations.

For more on interactive activities, see Echo360’s Adding Interactive Slides to a Presentation.

Editing an Echo360 Recording

Editing an Echo360 Recording
You can edit media uploaded into Echo360 using the built in basic editor. The editor allows you make changes to video/audio such as trimming ends or cutting out sections.

To use the Echo360 editor, see Echo360’s Editing Videos.

Measure Student Engagement in Echo360

You can record and view student interactions with your content in Echo360 in a number of ways. You and your students can ask questions, create discussions, respond to questions, flag content as confusing, and more. You can also use the Analytics tools in Echo360 to see when students engage with content, how much of a video they watch, and more.

For more on posting questions, see Echo360’s Viewing and Posting Questions and Monitoring and Managing Discussions/Q&A Posts.

For more on the Analytics options, see Echo360’s Course Analytics – Overview.

Share Content to Your Echo360 Course

Once you have created, uploaded, and/or edited your content, you will need to add that content to a course to share it with your students.

To share or unshare content in your course, see Echo360’s Share or Unshare Content to a Course.

Download a recording from Echo360

Your content added to Echo360 is stored in the cloud. As the content owner, you can download it to maintain backups, edit it using an advanced video editor, or upload it to another video sharing platform. When you download your Echo360 recordings, they will be in .mp4 format. You can download each video feed, or just download the audio file to use it as a podcast.

For more instructions, see Echo360’s Download Content to Your Computer.

Edit the Availability of Content in an Echo360 Course

Once content has been shared to an Echo360 course you can control when, and for how long, it is available to students within a semester. You can delay the availability of content in your course, or give it an expiration time to stop students from accessing it. Please note, regardless of settings you choose, students will lose access to Echo360 course material at the end of the semester the course is offered.

For instructions, see Echo360’s Edit the Availability of Content.

Delete Echo360 Content

There are two options for deleting content in Echo360. One is to delete the class which contains a video and/or presentation from an Echo360 course. Doing this will remove students’ ability to access the content, but it will remain within the system.

For step by step instructions on deleting content from a course, see Echo360’s Delete a Class or Group.

The other way to delete content is to remove it from the system entirely. If you delete content this way it will be removed from the system and anywhere the content was published to in Echo360. This cannot be undone. We recommend downloading your content to your computer before deleting it from the system.

For steps on deleting content from Echo360, see Echo360’s Delete Content from the Echo360 System.

Upload Content to Echo360

Although as an instructor you may primarily use Echo360 to record class lectures, you may also want to use it to preserve and distribute other materials, such as supplemental video or audio files that you or students have recorded elsewhere.

You can upload any of these materials to Echo360 where you can edit and manage them like any other recording, and publish them to a course. You can upload video, audio, and/or slides and presentations to Echo360 both from your computer and from popular cloud options such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, Box, and OneDrive.

Any content you add to Echo360 will be available on My Content tab, which is the primary location of all content (recorded lectures, uploaded materials, slides, etc.) you have access to. You can share any content available in this tab with students by publishing it to a course or using the Share option to share content with an individual.

To upload a file to Echo360:

Step 1: Login to with your username/password. The Echo360 Home page will open.

Step 2: On the Echo360 Home page, click Upload. The Select Files to Upload pop-up window will open.

Step 3: Drag a file from your desktop or a file folder into the upload area, or click Select Files to Upload to select the file using a system dialog window.

Step 4: After selecting a file, the window will display an upload progress message and close when the upload is complete. Content uploaded to Echo360 will be processed by the system, and will be unavailable until it is complete. Processing time depends on the length and type of file uploaded. You will receive an email notification when any content you add is ready to be viewed and shared.

For further instructions on uploading other content to Echo360, see Echo360’s article on Uploading Content to your Library.